Whenever we see someone fishing, we imagine how fun it will be! But we don’t know the fishing tips and tricks and then fall back. But no worries, here we have researched and compiled a list of all possible fishing tips and tricks for beginners like you!

- First do your homework before you go fishing. You must know the timing of fishing, fish activities, which weather suits fishing, style, about bait etc.
- Fish has good sense of smell. It seems counterintuitive but fish detects aromas on the bait easily. So, avoid the soap with fragrance before fishing and must wash your hands first.
- Use shiny lures for fishing. Because shiny lures attract the fish. The fish get confused about the hooks. We recommend using metal hooks and lures for minimizing the reflection.
- Glue your bait (e.g. worm, small fish etc.) on the hook. Otherwise, there is a chance to lose if you don’t anchor it on the hook.
- Fishing hooks must be in range of 8 to 14 inches. With the size of fishes’ mouth, the hook size varies.
- You must do homework on the map. Learn about the many sunken or man-made regions of the lake or pond where fish may choose to stay.
- Keep the hooks sharp which you will use for fishing. Every time you go fishing, use a new and sharp hook.
- Use bait on seasonal approach. Because bass likes to eat different bait in different seasons. Such as- they prefer shad in the summer and fall but crawfish in the beginning of the year.
- Freshwater fish congregate near the shoreline in mossy regions, thus casting close to the shoreline in these areas is recommended.
- Fishing tips and tricks include changing the tactics. Cast your bait deeper until you find the fish. Moreover, add or subtract weight, switch to a sink tip or sinking line when fly fishing, and use a jig, spoon, or metal-lipped jerk bait when bait fishing.

1. Matching The Lure Color:
The visibility of the lure attracts the fish. Now the matter is how to choose the lure colors? Let me tell you! If it is a bright sunny day then, the lure must be in light colors and if it is a dark day, the lure should be dark colors.
2. Match The Hatch:
The expression of matching the hatch originated from fly-attempts of fisherman to trick fish by imitating natural insects with manufactured imitations. This approach of fishing necessitates a thorough understanding of trout behavior and the habitat in which they dwell. It entails looking into how trout eat and how they interact with the many prey items that live in their environment. It also necessitates an understanding of how these organisms live and behave in order to survive. With a wet fly sunk in mid-depth current is the best way to fish. Because they need the rapid water to cling to their nymphs.
3. Marking Up The Baits:
For making the bait attractive to the fish, you can draw some realistic patterns at the body of the bait. You can use an indelible or permanent marker to paint the baits and give the baits a distinct fish-attracting appearance.
4. Snaps And Swivels:
Snaps and swivels are the two different parts and are used for different purposes. To change the lures fast, we use snaps. It opens and closes very quickly. Swivel part prevents the line twists. Snaps and swivels mainly save the line instead of cutting a line. You can easily change the lure by turning its mouthpiece on and off.
5. Movement Of Your Line And Rod Tip:
You need to assure and be conscious how the line moves when a fish strikes the bait. After striking the bait, you may feel repetitive bumps and there may be line wobble. If you feel like there is a pull or bend on your rod tip, then you must pull the rod immediately and set the hook to the mouth of the fish. It may be a fish hitting your bait or the rod tip!
6. Jigging For Bass Fishing:
Jigging is one of fishing techniques to lure the fish. A lead sinker with a hook covered with a soft body that lures the fish. For moving the lure vertically, you can snap the rod tip. Green and brown jigs are good for bass fishing.
7. Crippling The Bait Fish:
You can use some small fishes to catch large fish. This kind of fish is known as bait fish. But in this case, you need to cripple the bait first. Then use it for fishing. Otherwise, the string of the spear will get spiraled by the bait fish. This will create problems in fishing.
8. Handling Fish:
For fishing you must know how to handle fish. To handle fish, the first step is to wet your hands. Otherwise, you may have skin disease. Wet hand protects them from infection or skin diseases. After that, don’t let the fish lie down on the dock or floor. Put them in ice. Use barbless hooks to take the fish off the hook.
9. Eels As Lure:
Eels are one of the best lures for fishing. You need to know how to hook an eel. So, from the bottom jaw out of an eye, you have to hook the eel. You can fish both day and night by hooking an eel. But the best is to fish in summer! Large fish like barracuda, sharks etc. eat eels as food. For fishing these kinds of large fishes, eels are the best.
10. Knot Tying:
Knot tying is one of the tricks of fishing. If there is not a good knot to hold the hook, you must lose the good fish. So, you must know the knot tying. Follow the followings for knot tying:
- Tie the knot easily and don’t make it too tight.
- Make a new loop and tuck the loose end inside. Then, wrap the loose end 5-6 times.
- Then, make the knot tight slowly and hook it up with another!
- Thread the loose end through the eye of the hook on the following line. Then trim it off.
Try These Simple Fishing Hacks
So why are you waiting? All the fishing tips and tricks are now in your hand. Let’s go for an amazing fishing trip and enjoy. Fishing is all about having patience. Just do your homework and learn the fishing tips and tricks. Don’t make any hassle about it. Learn steadily! Happy fishing!